Variable Selection for Survival Analysis in Multiple Health Stimulation Research
Variable Selection for Survival Analysis in Multiple Health Stimulation Research
€ 15.00

Author(s):Dr. S. Sathish Kumar, Dr. Nancy Sebastian, Dr. S. Mohan, Dr. R. Elangovan and Dr. Sofia Sebastian
Publication Year:2022
Publisher:Weser Books
Seller:Weser Books

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Chapter I presents a brief introduction about survival analysis and an overview of variable selection for survival analysis.
In Chapter II, the basic concepts of survival analysis which are used in developing the different models in this research work are illustrated in detail.
Chapter III contains an in-depth review of valuable research papers by reputed authors in the recent past.
Chapter IV provides a brief insight into the variable selection for frailty and marginal models in survival analysis.
Chapter V provides an example for the statistical analysis of LASSO method for variable selection in the Cox’s model using Lung cancer and Liver data.
Chapter VI portrays the variable selection for survival analysis using LASSO vs. LAD regression.
Chapter VII gives an idea about variable selection for the accelerated failure time model as an alternative to the Cox’s proportional hazards model.
Chapter VIII highlights the variable selection for the binary logistic regression approach for the prediction of incidence of breast cancer.