A Practical Manual on Food Microbiology and Food Safety
A Practical Manual on Food Microbiology and Food Safety
€ 10.00

Author(s):Dr. Poonam Shakya, Dr. Shilpa Gajbhiye, Dr. Serlene Tomar, Dr. Ajay Rai and Dr. Anju Nayak
Publication Year:2022
Publisher:Weser Books
Seller:Weser Books

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A Practical Manual on Food Microbiology and Food Safety consists of the practical aspects of food microbiology, primarily the various microbes involved in food spoilage, diagnosis of these organisms, and precautions to prevent the spoilage of food. The manual focuses on food products of animal origin like milk, meat, and eggs which are the urgent need for a protein diet in a developing country like India. The manual is designed to benefit the students studying food microbiology and workers involved in food safety labs.